Saturday, June 02, 2012

Robert Pattinson @ London!

Robert Pattinson participates in a Q&A session with his Cosmopolis director David Cronenberg on Friday, the 1st of June at the Apple Store in London, England.

“There’s a book called ‘The Professionals,’ which is a new crime thriller that Rob has read and really likes,” Twilight producer Wyck Godfrey recently told MTV News about Owen Laukkanen’s debut novel.

“We’re just starting to look at a writer (to adapt it). It’s kind of a ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ for today, and (Rob) would be fantastic in the role. It’s in the early days; we’ll see,” he teased.

robert pattinson apple qa 01
robert pattinson apple qa 02
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robert pattinson apple qa 10
2nd June 2012

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